Saturday, September 03, 2005

I just saw the bunker where I was going to ride out the storm. Initially, I was supposed to shack up with Mississippi Power, the area's power provider, at their emergency operations center. Their EOC was located at Plant Watson, a coal-fired electrical generation plant.
I called it off when I found out they had no protection for their own vehicles. The center was also located on one of the many bayous that connect to the Gulf of Mexico. Everybody who's ever lived in a hurricane prone area knows that those waters cause the most damage because they are conduits for the storm surge inland, helping the flood reach places it otherwise could not reach.
1) They had to evacuate their emergency shelter in the middle of the storm because of said flood. Not fun.
2) The tin outer shell of the bunker was completely torn away, in effect skinning the building.
3) Every car left there was first broken by flying debris, including hunks of coal that blew out almost every window around. Then the flood waters came up to the tops of tractor trailers on the lot, completely submerging every vehicle.
4) Rising waters lifted big coal barges sitting in the water and chucked them partially onto the land. Those barges looked like they weighed several hundred tons.
I can partially tip my hat to Josh's sage advice- "Don't leave your car there. That would be dumb."


Blogger MKeller said...

I always liked The Netherlands. Nice people, good pancakes. mmmm, pancakes.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know we went through Hurricane Isabel 2 years ago and went a week without power but I can remember what it was like to just wish that some of these food restaurants were open. If only I could send you IHOP carryout through the

3:48 PM  
Blogger Josh Norman said...

if only every IHOP on the Coast wasn't destroyed

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huge sympathy from London, and anger too. I read today that the US government was warned about this several times in recent years, advised to strengthen levees & other infrastructure. Instead they cut funding and taxes. How did Bush'n'Bliar get voted in again ?

Not much I can do from this distance cept send love and best wishes

12:09 PM  

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