Sunday, August 28, 2005

Naked mole rat said:
"There are 200,000 people that we know of who have not evacuated New Orleans and countless others along the Gulf coast. Most of these people would rather be elsewhere, but do not have the means. We really must consider using the very resources that we taxpayers have purchased, to save lives. How many C5 and C130 transport planes do we (military/national guard) have? Now how many of those are deployed to foreign soil? How many are right here in the US, and not being used for this cause? These resources should be reallocated in these situations to prevent the massive loss of life. Last year, the ocean rose up and claimed 283,000 lives in Asia. If Katrina unleashes her wrath directly upon New Orleans, we will witness death and destruction on a massive scale again. We really must revaluate how we (our government and military) utilize our resources."
Naked mole rat said it, not me. Clearly naked mole rat has some communistic tendencies. Perhaps naked mole rat thinks we would be better allocating resources if those C130's were used to bomb slightly soggy New Orleans with inflatable dinghies...or maybe lots of those little silica gel desiccant packs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but Naked Mole Rat sounds pretty much bang on in hindsight, wouldn't you agree?

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How so? Do we pick up these 200,000 people in a fly-by? "Hey folks, just grab the rope as the plane flies by at 300MPH."

Good call.

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. I didn't realize they couldn't land. Like, before the storm hit. Sorry.

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea - requesting planes from the FED . . . That would be the job of the Governor. The person you elected to run your State.

8:19 AM  
Blogger lau-ra said...

not sure if a comment this far down will be read, but am unsure of how you are assessing naked mole rats plea for the government to use resources to help evacuate people as communistic. actually, this whole situation has shed light on what the responsibilities of the federal government actually are in times like this. is it so very republican to say, sorry, you must fend for yourselves?

12:06 PM  

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