There she is, Pass Christian native and Good Morning America host Robin Roberts. I can't imagine where Mississippi would be without its native sons and daughters. Christ, do you think anyone in the NFL would've even known Katrina leveled this part of the Gulf Coast if Brett Farve's boyhood home in Kiln had not been flattened? Do you think Dubya would've made 8 trips here if the maginficent Haley Barbour were not our governor? Do you think Good Morning America would have bothered with this teeny, devastated town, were it not for Robin? Shoot, how many of you would have known about this place and what happened had you not stumbled across our blog? I still get riled up a bit about how much more attention New Orleans got/is getting. I still hear stories of people asking whether or not Mississippi was even affected by KAtrina, of some companies considering anything outside of a 40-mile radius of New Orleans not in a Hurricane-affected area. Tell that to the kids sleeping in tents on the beach going to school in mobile homes and having to celebrate Halloween two days early without the trick-or-treating because their whole neighborhood was leveled and there are literally no doorbells to ring. Sorry, had to let that one out.
This photo by Joshua Norman
Let it out. You're right. But I think Mississippi'll be coming back a lot sooner than New Orleans. They're stagnating down there and y'all are on the move!
I get angry every time someone cries about New Orleans nowadays. When I was stuck in Tennesse trying to see news of my home city (Long Beach), all I saw was New Orleans. I think in the 2 weeks I was there I saw a total of an hour of footage from MS. B.S.
I think if my mom hears "Oh, are you from New Orleans?" when she mentions she lost her home due to Katrina ONE MORE TIME, she may go postal. Last time I checked, I still SEE homes sitting there when they show N.O.-there was NOTHING left of my mom's apartment-NOTHING AT ALL. A slab. A pile of rubble further back in the apartments. Where hers was...NOTHING. I have always loved New Orleans, but I am so sick of hearing about it and not MS, it just tears me up.
Thanks for ranting, keep it up! My mom has moved on to the Knoxville area, but she and my sister and her family, who were also affected in Gulfport, are scarred for life-and the IDIOTS who think nothing happened to MS, or who think the people who lived there DESERVED it because they lived there-well, I only hope they never have to deal with what my family has been through.
(not to mention, my family has gotten very little help from anyone MAINLY because they are told they are not from New Orleans. Disgusting.)
we can certainly relate
Nearly two hundred volunteers from a church in Plymouth Michigan have gone or are going to Kiln Mississippi to work alongside Samaritan's Purse. I was there recently. The devastation is observed from about 300 miles north/northeast, just outside Meridian Mississippi. We went to what once was downtown Waveland. It, too, was decimated. I've never seen so many men cry. Go ahead and vent, brother. Your cries are heard.
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